Meet The Team
Hans Schoenberger
Co-Founder, Secretary & Treasurer
In 1973, while I was attending college during the day, I worked nights as a glass parts fabricators and inspector for the Fredericks Company in Huntingdon Valley PA.
I attended Temple Business School, graduating Magna Cum Laude in 1975. I was also a member of the accounting fraternity Beta Alpha Psi and was the tutoring committee chairman. I was awarded the Haskins and Sells Award in recognition of my service for that group.
I worked briefly in public accounting as an auditor for Peat, Marwick Mitchell and then briefly in private accounting in the advertising specialty business as an accounts payable clerk for National Business Services in Trevose PA.
In 1976, I became a founder and 50% partner in H&S Electric with my long-time friend, Walter Horrigan. H&S began in the residential marketplace and eventually worked its way into the commercial and industrial marketplaces, and finally into the controls marketplace.
In 1990, Walter and I founded Vortechs Automation, Inc. together, with me serving as Secretary and Treasurer, as well as handling installation and service projects.
Vortechs specializes in providing its customers with robust, elegantly designed and installed, easy-to-service, user-friendly control systems.